Tuesday, May 4, 2010

off world

there's a sense you'll be along
after testing cynical belief
perhaps waiting as no rose grown
maybe crying you're beyond white
not knowing you've been unclear

some squabble yet concerns you
many words cause consternation
that too many will follow and leave
you behind the wrong way ahead
hold still they'll come back around

the world's never journeyed from
you may step aside allowing it
to spin without your truth
until it seems to orbit you as
if it leaves no one alone

and when it returns you
may see why it has become
as if it is because you created

Monday, May 3, 2010

inhaving held

within's many ways when if
without's some other then two
beyonds are more as if one's
touch may hold within without
yet reach forever without within

Thursday, April 22, 2010

on earth

The presence of Diane on this page got me thinking about E.E.Cummings. In one of his poems he says that "love's function is to fabricate unknownness". To me this means to be open to the wonder of another, but also to attempt to continually create wonders for others. Still, what creates and why? On earth, we've defined love until it's near extinction. So I think that what creates is the unknown and love does not exist until it's fabricated. And I equate the unknown with soul. Soul's function is to commune with itself, despite the form of the body which limits soul's reach. Then love is the conditional definition of the soul in communion.

So it might be better to say that soul's function is to fabricate love. In that way the unknown, the undefined, and the unconditional become manifest as people love each other. On earth, the blockage at the body's form tends to reduce the awareness we may have of soul's function. So;

worldly particles as waves
break one way's dream an other's
a dream of mind's fluid
sharing ways to follow flow
from suspension's belief
in fear's angry frustration
toward soul's function unbound
(or will you have if I will
have,fallen safe to form,less)
then have you will if I have
will from communions unknown

Thursday, April 1, 2010


before sense begins
(in these silent atmospheres-
a notion of future response
impacts a forward reaching
-for beings so irresolute-
with pasts' considerations
-have you seen your sense-
given to what may become
-of how softly light speaks)
of cui bono realities

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

were waiting

there was a separate scale
of knowing there we don't
speak of it so much as see
amidst its not believing

the questions never end
as you the scale playing
as if feeling empathies
which may not be answered

I never wanted to go alone
and there finding I didn't
became known by the wait
outstripping its impatience

my hand on her door becomes
her ardent curiosity
and then mine avid also
as we shyly kindly reach

into our nature improbably
seen not believed we are
faithful that what will be
us touches what is us now

Monday, March 15, 2010

if once i

know myself a moment
that's absent of hope
or frustration and sense
the world without magic
protecting my redoubt
and in that moment stop
creating it and love
it for what it isn't,
then surely you'll walk
in a light of innocence

Sunday, March 14, 2010


here we have met
and married briefly
until we left us
fearing what we weren't
seeming to be split
our hearts in five
here we feel like we
perhaps shaped our love
somehow felt far more
aware of each other
than distance or time
allows us to maybe
here we love remembering
why we always felt
we could, enlaced
fifty fingers, twenty
which never let go
and always wouldn't have
here we decide
to playfully part
to see if we can
by no known means,
but eternity to search,
find each other again
here we were
looking at possibility
considering probability
parsing conditionality
dreaming uncreation
deciding to abide

Sunday, February 14, 2010


as she's just looked away
'cause she's lost herself
in other intention's command,
yet she had intuited
how physics about you pertain
with its attention's demand
when cells exhausted sighs
of insight from body memory
in moments unpantheoned,
sublated, recalled as most,
as sought, as needed, as found
her cells responded shimmer's cry

yes, while no one now's wiser

Friday, January 15, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010


to reach this beyond
and feel its sadness
effortlessly kind
and endlessly waiting

for a rawness of self
that's as humanly honest
as the sadness is vast
and willing to question

is a moment no wish
can bring this is not
uncaring coldness in
ice bound heart this

has shoulders heaving
as hands hold face
to the knowledge
there must be free will
and the notion to live
as if there is love