Tuesday, September 25, 2012


hasn't she yet seen forms
of our patience holding
the drift of dreams? will
this message deliver her

peering ever more closely
at shades of us waiting?
were she near enough again
she'd murmur like magic,
chemistry, or any choice
inspired expansive imagery
from trackless memory, paced

i wait, she waits, one knowing
the paths i haven't traced
in her mind without touch
could move her like fate
had hands like mine.


breaching (through the real
on what abides in heart
found love within again)

felt judgement's danger
as the pain of love, resounds
down an age of memory there

(would i say, don't go?
no, it could bring you
back to earth with me)

(would i say, come also?
no, it could give you your
freedom to be let be)

ah me, it's lonely here,
but i can call a vision
that i have felt with you

Friday, August 10, 2012


how long can be spent
on the ridges between
the ever valleyed mountains
not wanting, to forget
the feelings below and felt
above the place you are

it's true, all longing spent
there now seems better
than the consummate plunge
or the coldly definitive climb
as you stand waiting

for the wind to point
its desire and move, you're
(there are ants far below
and gnats swirling above
and you must let them be)

recalling human whirls now
knowing how fast you moved
around them as they stood
statuesque and still raising
a hand of invitation

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

you didn't arrive with me
those days i felt you
might someday form
out of clearer blue,
call because you are
weary knowing never
so misunderstood

wonder in its how you
look from what you've kept
held away from another
who'd not hurt your soul
like that wary disbelief
of being in fallen love with
who won't know your grasp

Sunday, July 22, 2012

for one other

your hand dangles
between shall i's moved
sense it was always
this kind of you
that moved, no matter
drops slips rises

(touch touch won't you
dangling between
shall i unseen
touch touch didn't i)

for one other aren't i,
moved unseen one
other sensed always
no matter drops
slips rises aches
for no other your
drops slips aches, me?

Friday, July 13, 2012

again, an unsurrender
as the ways increase
to light a soft asunder.
encounter a joint divine
serving sweetest wines
of want unimaginable,
to be a knower within
an uncreated creation
waiting for your sign.

tomorrow perhaps you'll go,
they've been their forever,
tomorrow's alright with them.

(for me i wonder why
these bodies couldn't fly
but could be lifted by
the please of now children)

Saturday, May 12, 2012


the seen and not seen
the touch without touch
the presence alone
unembodied but within

joy to brave sadness, assuaged
it's otherness, embraced
it's sameness, felt
it's love known

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


i don't know how to write poetry. never took a class, have no credential, hold no authority. that may be obvious to people. poetry is not easy to read, that's obvious to me.

but i have this experience that no one can tell me a thing about, that appears to be unique enough to interest me, and that i can say in these words and in these ways.


i know you always
answer yes when i love
you until we're eye to eye
again asking for life's why.

yet we've lapsed into real
allowing imperfect sight
to move you out of you,
and miss the one who saw.

like the way i saw you
in eternal recognition
as if renewing thoughts
had multiplied your origin.

(i regret you didn't know
you in those moments
tumbled backward by motions
misrecalled as cannot now)

and send away a vision
that may bring you back
in you to craft my sigh
awake to where you've gone.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

souls, part
two) see her eyes change
without falling, blaze
ebonstill while challenged
'til shifting thought amazed,
her beginning to demur
humbles him as well
yet with heads upheld
those inherent mysteries
(no one looks away then
all hold their breath then
two try to remain
unseeming miens of be)
are assurance ingrained
in wide eyed following
pupils acknowledge pulsing,
dilatory, with heart (too
many unprepared to feel
apart (each often disappointed
by each ungraced displacement)
others staying held within

Saturday, April 7, 2012

sense external, impinging epignosis,
being seeks balance of soul's sway,

wetworks disarrayed by acts disgraced,

a sigh turns cheek, and still
singularly warm tear requiets